Spell to Remove a Hex

Here is a spell to break a hex or curse using Hecate as the guiding deity, incorporating herbs and crystals that are associated with breaking negative energy:


  • A black candle
  • A piece of paper and a pen
  • Mugwort, sage, and rosemary (herbs associated with breaking negative energy)
  • Black tourmaline and amethyst (crystals associated with protection and breaking negative energy)
  • Salt


Begin by creating a sacred space for yourself. You can do this by smudging the area with sage, lighting candles, or playing calming music.

Light the black candle and place it in front of you. Take a piece of paper and write down the name of the person who has hexed or cursed you.

Place the paper under the candle and sprinkle a pinch of salt on it. This is to neutralize the negative energy that the hex or curse is causing.

Hold the mugwort, sage, and rosemary in your hands and say:

“Hecate, goddess of magic and protection, please break the hex or curse that has been placed upon me. May these herbs protect me from all negative energy and transmute it into positive energy.”

Place the herbs around the candle, forming a triangle.

Hold the black tourmaline and amethyst in your hands and say:

“Black tourmaline and amethyst, stones of protection and breaking negative energy, please break the hex or curse that has been placed upon me. May your energies surround and protect me from all negative energies.”

Place the crystals around the herbs, forming a larger triangle around the candle.

Sit quietly and meditate on the candle flame, visualizing the hex or curse being broken and the negative energy being transmuted into positive energy.

Once you feel ready, say:

“By the power of Hecate and the energies of these herbs and crystals, I release the hex or curse that has been placed upon me. I am now protected, and all negative energy is transmuted into positive energy.”

Let the candle burn down completely, and dispose of the herbs and crystals. You can bury them in the earth or throw them away, depending on your preference.

Remember to approach any spiritual practice with respect and caution. This spell is intended to help break negative energy and protect you, but it’s essential to seek professional help if you are experiencing severe or long-lasting negative energy.

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